Aliments DKL

Nagano Pork Burger (Gluten Free)

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  • Regular price $129.00
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Box of 20 units x 180 g

Made with 100% fresh Nagano pork shoulder. No additions or substitutes, just Nagano pork at its best!

An exceptional quality pork with unique characteristics, Nagano pork is more tender, juicier and tastier. It is the result of:

  • Optimal genetic crossbreeding = fattier pig, higher marbling.
  • A precise and standardized food program = redder meat with whiter and firmer fat (better water retention and better taste).
  • Reduced animal stress = tender meat.
  • Its slaughtering methods = meat with a better pH, better water retention and a better shelf life.


BBQ: on high heat, for 8 to 10 minutes. Turn halfway through cooking.

Oven: 375°F (uncovered), 10-20 minutes. Finish on the BBQ if desired.

Skillet: over medium-high heat (uncovered), for 8-10 minutes. Turn halfway through cooking.